How I Use Drafts App for Search

How I Use Drafts App for Search

I can’t begin to express my love for Drafts on iOS. I use it all the time. If you’re not familiar with Drafts, @macsparky made a great overview screencast. Go watch it.

In short:

Drafts is a different kind of note taking app. In Drafts, text comes first – open the app and get a new, blank draft. Get your text down quickly, then act on it with powerful actions.

One of the things I use it for the most is for search. I find myself constantly searching for a movie title, an app, something on Google, or an item on Amazon. Drafts makes it really easy to all kinds of searching and can integrate really well with other apps using x-callback-url.

One of the greatest things about Drafts is the Action Directory, a place where people can publish and search for actions. I’ve compiled a list of Drafts actions and posted them to the directory below for anyone who wants to use them.

my drafts search actions

Please, do yourself a favor and check out Drafts. You won’t be disappointed.

Gannon Nordberg @gannonnordberg